4 Great Dog Breeds for Protection

4 Great Dog Breeds for Protection

One of the many reasons people choose to get a dog is for protection. Large, aggressive dogs often deter would-be intruders and can alert you if a stranger approaches your property. This is a desirable trait, but you also want a dog that will be gentle and loving towards your family members. Every individual dog has its own traits, but here are four breeds that serve as both excellent guard dogs and family pets.

German Shepherd

Although they often look fierce, German shepherds are loyal animals that can be surprisingly gentle. Their large size is often enough to scare people but these dogs are playful and intelligent family pets. German shepherd puppies imported from Germany often have bloodlines that make them fiercely protective of their families.


Rottweilers have a bad reputation for being overly aggressive, but they make wonderful family pets when they are socialized properly. They often do not like strangers but are incredibly playful and gentle around their family members, even with kids.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman pinschers are notorious guard dogs as they are large, brave and intelligent. However, they also make good family pets when they are socialized. Their intelligence allows them to understand what is … Read the rest

How to Care for Your Pet’s Oral Health

How to Care for Your Pet’s Oral Health

All pet owners need to be proactive about maintaining their pet’s oral health. Here are 4 ways to ensure that your pet has healthy teeth and gums.

1. Have Your Pet’s Teeth Cleaned

Cats and dogs may need to have professional cleanings to avoid tooth decay and tartar from causing dental infection or painful oral conditions. If a pet’s oral healthcare isn’t addressed regularly, they may need to have teeth extracted. If you’re looking for a veterinary practice or pet hospital St Paul, choose a provider who has extensive experience in administering oral care.

2. Get Pets Used to Brushing at a Young Age

Cats and dogs benefit greatly from brushing, but many don’t tolerate it well. Cats can be particularly oppositional when it comes to brushing because it’s more difficult to incentivize them with treats. Getting both cats and dogs started with brushing at an early age will help them to become accustomed to it; an early introduction can help prevent them from running for cover whenever they see that you are holding a toothbrush. Be sure to use a toothpaste that’s designed for pets.

3.Don’t Feed Your Pet Human Food That Will Stick to Their Teeth

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