CBD Oil Cat Treats: Cannabis Effects on Cats

CBD Oil Cat Treats

Most pet owners already know that cats tend to experience issues when inhaling second-hand smoke from cannabis or marijuana. At the same time, problems may happen when they chew the leaves of the plant or if they consume weed brownies.

Even though they think that when they consume weed is just another form of catnip, you should know that the weed with high levels of THC could cause severe problems to your feline friend.

It would help if you had in mind that catnip is an entirely different plant than cannabis that comes from the mint family and has purple and white flowers and fantastic smell that makes cats go sleepy when eaten and crazy when they smell it.

By visiting getunderskeleton CBD oil cat treats, you will be able to see the best options available on the market that are safe to your feline friend.

On the other hand, weed or marijuana comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, and it features THC that causes an altered state of mind or the feeling of “high.”

In some states in which medicinal marijuana is legal, it is a common solution used for treating nausea and pain that happens after chemotherapy … Read the rest