How To Plan the Progression of Beginning Jumper Training

How To Plan the Progression of Beginning Jumper Training

As a riding instructor, you will want to supervise the progression of your lessons for the horses and riders under your care. For initial jump instruction, safety is of paramount concern. The goal is for each student to learn to maneuver the horse in a manner to safely and accurately jump over a fence. Before this new education commences, students should be able to comfortably ride a horse at a walk, trot and canter while maintaining the correct seat. At this point, jumper training in the riding arena can commence.

Start Small

Working with individual students or groups, you can start by laying a pole on the ground and having the rider walk the horse over it. Next, add another pole about one stride apart; 3 feet works for most horses or ponies. Riders can then take their mounts over two poles at a walk. Continue in this manner and gradually increase the number of poles in a row on the ground. Eventually, raise the height of the poles slightly by utilizing cavaletti.

Start Slow

Introduce the exercise of poles and cavaletti at a walk at first to establish a level of confidence with the activity. Students must also work … Read the rest

Loving Senior Dogs: Tips for Keeping Them Happy and Healthy

Loving Senior Dogs: Tips for Keeping Them Happy and Healthy

Whether you raised them from a pup or rescued them later in life, having a senior dog is something special. They can be undeniably sweet and full of life. However, keeping your seniors at their happiest and healthiest does require a few special considerations.

Find a Great Vet

Every great pet needs a great vet. Look specifically for senior pet care Houston TX or in your hometown. You should find a veterinarian who is experienced with ailments like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Unfortunately, pets can be quite skilled at hiding sicknesses. You need to have a proficient healthcare provider for early detection. It’s also good to discuss a routine care schedule that matches your dog’s health history.

Purchase Senior Food

If you’ve been feeding the same food throughout your pup’s life, it is probably time to take another look at the shelf. Dogs become seniors at age seven. You may start to notice weight gain, low energy, sore muscles, or tooth decay starting after that mile marker, especially in large breeds. Many foods created for aging pets address those concerns. They may be lower calorie, softer, and contain supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin. Just remember that switching diets … Read the rest

What to Look for in a Wireless Tracking Device for Dogs

What to Look for in a Wireless Tracking Device for Dogs

When you’re out with your dogs, whether they’re helping you to hunt or you’re taking them out for a bit of exercise, you need to have the means to track them. Wireless tracking devices have become more advanced thanks to various GPS technologies.

Getting a collar with tracking technology can be a great idea – and there are many affordable models on the market. Knowing what to look for will ensure you get the level of tracking you need.

Consider the Range

One of the first things you have to look at is just how far you plan to let your dogs run. If you live on a few acres, this will be easy to figure out. They may simply run from one side of the property to the other while being confined by a fence. However, if you’re taking your dogs into the woods, they could run for miles.

When your dog is in good shape, they can run a significant distance. This means that you need GPS tracking that will be able to triangulate the location of your dog. Many of the latest systems will have 2-5 second refresh rates. This will be able to help you … Read the rest

A Short Guide to Holistic Pet Care

A Short Guide to Holistic Pet Care

Depending on the individual, the term ‘holistic’ often has hippy-dippy connotations that may not put holistic pet care practitioners in a good light. However, to have a more holistic perspective on pet care simply gives your pet a better chance to achieve good overall health. A holistic approach incorporates many different tools and techniques with the aim of improving your pet as a whole. Here is a short guide to holistic pet care to help devoted pet parents look after their animals.

What is Holistic Pet Care?

Holistic pet care takes into account the mind, body, and spirit of an animal instead of just treating a specific issue. By treating an animal as a whole, holistic pet care aims to prevent illnesses, pains, and diseases. A holistic approach incorporates natural tools and techniques to provide absolute wellness to your pet’s entire being.

Key Benefits

Advocates for holistic pet care will attest to the many benefits it can have for all-around health. By exploring unconventional methods, pets can experience a plethora of positive changes. For example, altering their lifestyle and diet can help pets maintain an ideal weight, achieve a healthy skin and coat, and even fight serious illnesses like diabetes Read the rest

3 Things to Know About CBG Soft Gels

3 Things to Know About CBG Soft Gels

Cannabigerol, or CBG, is a minor cannabinoid found in almost all cannabis cultivars. CBG is known as the “mother of all cannabinoids” since it is the source of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids, although making up less than 1% of the cannabis plant. CBG soft gels Products can provide a variety of health benefits. The following are three points to keep in mind with CBG soft gels:

  • CBG has the potential to target specific receptors in the body, providing more targeted pain alleviation and anti-inflammatory benefits than CBD. It can help people become more focused and productive without the jittery side effects that some people get with medicines that aid with concentration and focus. CBG has a more pleasant flavor profile than CBD, which has been regarded as unpleasant by some.
  • Despite the fact that CBG has not been approved by the FDA, it has been extensively explored with numerous promising results. People consider CBG products, especially CBG soft gel, as extremely pure.
  • CBG may have anti-microbial characteristics (and may even work better than common antimicrobial topical medicines), it may help treat acne, and it may help patients with colon cancer and Crohn’s disease. According to recent research, it may
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